Updated CAISO Generator Modeling Process and Data Requirements

On August 1, 2018, CAISO introduced a revised Business Practice Manual for Transmission Planning Process (BPM), which includes new data requirements for interconnected generation resources within the ISO’s footprint. Section 10 of the BPM establishes revised data requirements and compliance procedures for all participating generators including non-NERC registered entities. While additional requirements have been placed on larger NERC registered facilities, these changes may pose an even greater burden to entities that have been exempt from NERC mandated modeling and protection requirements.

New data requirements include voltage and frequency protection models, power flow models, and in some cases, sub-synchronous resonance models. These models must be verified using criteria listed in the BPM, which can only be performed by entities with modeling software and knowledge of modeling practices.

NAES is prepared to assist entities with data aggregation, modeling, and testing to ensure compliance with CAISO’s data requests. The following links will allow entities to determine when to expect their individual data requests (phase) and what data will be required (category).

Business Practice Manual (BPM)

Entity Category and Phase Listing

CAISO Transmission Planning Website

Please contact NAES NERC Compliance Testing Services for additional information and support at CTS@NAES.com