Regional Training Offered for 3Q21

By Sr NERC Reliability Specialist Jack Jackson

The April issue of True Grid highlighted the new quarterly compliance podcast called “Currently Compliant” offered by NERC while this issue will focus on the six Regional Entities’ information sharing and training efforts. Additionally, NAES NERC will be hosting a webinar series August 3-5. The conference theme is Guiding Compliance-Improving Reliability and will provide an opportunity to connect with industry leaders, increase your understanding of current NERC issues, and exchange best practices to support compliance and reliable operations. Presentations will begin each morning at 9AM PST and go through 2PM PST, with breaks intermittently throughout each day. A complete list a presentations and speaker will be sent to registered attendees prior to the conference. 

Texas RE’s Reliability 101 is a webinar series designed for stakeholders who are new to the electric reliability industry, reliability standards, or their role. Attendance is open to anyone who wants a refresher on compliance and enforcement basics, NERC and Texas RE history, introductions to various program areas, or how to get involved with Texas RE. The series was initially conducted in face to face meetings but was shifted to a webinar format in 2021 in order to continue the series in the face of in person meeting restrictions.  

The 2021 Reliability 101 webinar series will be held from July 13 to August 13. Individual session information and registration is available at the Texas RE website. All events are held from 1:30pm to 2:30pm Central. Archived recordings of events will be available on their training pages under Archived Presentations.  

The Texas RE Reliability 101 series schedule is as follows:  

Date Topic Presenter 
Tuesday, Jul 13  History and Introduction to Texas RE Derrick Davis, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary 
Thursday, Jul 15  Registration and Certification Abby Fellinger, Manager, Registration & Certification 
Tuesday, Jul 20  Standards Development Rachel Coyne, Manager, Reliability Standards Program 
Wednesday, Jul 21  Introduction to Align Rochelle Brown, Manager, CMEP Coordination & Special Projects 
Thursday, Jul 22  Compliance Monitoring Curtis Crews, Director, Compliance Assessments 
Tuesday, Jul 27  Foundations of Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Kenath Carver, Manager, CIP Compliance Monitoring 
Thursday, Jul 29  Foundations of Operations and Planning (O&P) Programs Curtis Crews, Director, Compliance Assessments 
Tuesday, Aug 3  Risk Based Approach to Reliability Neelima Bezwada, Senior Risk Assessment Engineer 
Thursday, Aug 5  Initial Engineering Submissions Curtis Crews, Director, Compliance Assessments 
Monday, Aug 9  Navigating Noncompliance Resolution AJ Smullen, Assistant Manager, Enforcement 
Friday, Aug 13 NERC Data Collection, Event Analysis, and Guidelines Brad Woods, Senior Reliability Engineer 

In addition to the events previously noted there are numerous training and workshop webinars being hosted by all NERC regions in the upcoming quarter. NAES NERC has compiled a list of events from the Regional Entity websites. If you are interested in a session in a region other than your own, remember events are not restricted to entities located in a specific region.  

At the time of posting all events are via webinar and links to the registration pages are provided.  

Region Event Date Time 
WECC Compliance Open Webinar  Thursday, Jul 15  2:00pm – 3:00pm Pacific 
RF Technical Talk with RF Monday, Jul 19  11:00am – 12:30pm Eastern 
MRO Consequence Driven Cyber Informed Engineering (CCE) – Resilience Strategies Tuesday, Jul 20  8:00am – 9:00am Central 
MRO MRO 2021 Virtual CMEP Conference Tuesday, Jul 20  9:00am – 4:00am Central 
NAES NERC Guiding Compliance-Improving Reliability Tues, Aug 3 – Thurs, Aug 5 9:00am – 2:00 pm Pacific 
RF Protection System Workshop  Wednesday, Aug 11  6:00am – 10:00am Eastern 
RF Human Performance Workshop  Thursday, Aug 12  6:00am – 10:00am Eastern 
RF Technical Talk with RF  Monday, Aug 16  11:00am – 12:30pm Eastern 
MRO Protective Relay Subgroup Tuesday, Aug 17  8:00am – 4:00pm Central 
WECC Compliance Open Webinar  Thursday, Aug 19  2:00pm – 3:00pm Pacific 
MRO 2021 Reliability Conference Tuesday, Aug 24  9:00am – 3:30pm Central 
SERC & RF Cold Weather Preparedness  Tuesday, Aug 24  9:00 am – 12:00pm Eastern 
RF Internal Controls Webinar  Wednesday, Aug 25 10:00am to 2:00pm Eastern 
TRE Talk with Texas RE – Assessment of Reliability Performance  Thursday, Aug 26  1:30pm – 2:30 pm Central 
TRE Winter Weatherization Workshop  Thursday, Sep 2  9:00am – 1:00pm Central 
TRE Talk with Texas RE  Thursday, Sep 16 1:30pm – 2:30 pm Central 
WECC Compliance Open Webinar  Thursday, Sep 16  2:00pm – 3:00pm Pacific 
RF Technical Talk with RF  Monday, Sep 20  11:00am – 12:30pm Eastern 
RF Reliability and Compliance Workshop – Day 1 Wednesday, Sep 22  Agenda & Time Pending 
RF Reliability and Compliance Workshop – Day 2 Thursday, Sep 23  Agenda & Time Pending 
SERC Fall Reliability and Security Seminar – Day 1 Tuesday, Oct 5 12:30pm – 4:30 pm Eastern 
SERC Fall Reliability and Security Seminar – Day 2 Wednesday, Oct 6 8:30am – 12:30pm Eastern 
TRE Fall Standards and Compliance Workshop  Thursday, Oct 14 9:00am – 1:00pm Central 
WECC Reliability & Security Webinar  Monday, Oct 25 Agenda & Time Pending