RC Transition Report

Leland McMillan, Supervisor NERC Services


“The purpose of the following “close out”  report is to document the transition efforts involved in moving the RC function in the Western Interconnection from the Peak RC to each of the new RCs during the 2019 timeframe. Along with the RC function there were a multitude of combined technical and procedural items that needed to be transitioned along with each new RC developing their people, processes and technologies to take on the RC function. Each of their individual efforts, hiring staff, developing and transitioning tools, processes and procedures were entwined with Peak RC’s staff reductions, technology transfers and contractual obligations. All of this created a need for close coordination and collaboration.  Now that all transitions have been completed (as of 12:00pm December 3rd, 2019), this will serve as a short wrap up of the coordination efforts undertaken by each of the RC’s working together and those that supported them.”