Potential Points of Failure with MOD-025

By Power Market Compliance Services Specialist Wanda Niemann-Marshall

There are several potential points of failure with NERC Standard MOD-025 Verification and Data Reporting of Generator Real and Reactive Power Capability and Synchronous Condenser Reactive Power Capability. To avoid compliance issues a plant should be aware of both the NERC and Independent System Operator (ISO) or Transmission Planner (TP) requirements.  

A robust MOD-025 program should include a process developed to ensure the verification is performed correctly. The process should include the facility’s specific testing plan established well in advance and in coordination with their ISO or TP. In some cases, if the ISO was not aware that testing was specifically for MOD-025, the ISO has rejected the testing results! Be sure to clearly communicate in the Entities request for testing the NERC Standard associated with that testing. 

Another potential failure point is not providing all the data as required by the MOD-025 Standard Attachment 2 (pages 17-20 of the NERC Standard). It is a common misconception that when a facility provides data per the ISO (TP) request and has uploaded the information into the depository (portal) that they have met NERC compliance for MOD-025. This is not always true. The ISO’s may reference a NERC Standard in their data request and provide the depository (portal) to upload the information, but it may be incomplete. Always verify with the ISO contact that all the information as required per Attachment 2 has been captured. If it is not verified the plant will need to provide the appropriate information in another way to the ISO to meet the intent of the standard (yes, it is inclusive of the diagram in Attachment 2).  

Luckily, it is easy to avoid these potential failure points. Familiarize yourself with your ISO requirements verses the NERC Requirements. Most ISO’s have Technical Bulletins, Compliance Bulletins, Market Manuals, Corroborating evidence documents, and other guidance to help you better understand additional steps to ensure you are meeting both your NERC Compliance obligations and your obligations as a Market Participant in your ISO.  

Institute Internal Controls associated with this standard to ensure all the requirements for NERC and ISO are met. A simple flow chart that begins with advance planning for the testing following the process through submission of ISO Portal information and Attachment 2 documentation is ideal. The facility’s Internal Controls should also contain guidance found in Attachment 1 (pages 13-16 of the NERC Standard). The pitfall of not implementing Internal Controls could lead to missing the real and reactive testing requirement every five (5) years or missing the requirement if there is a 10% or more change in real or reactive capability.  

For additional information, review these requirements as described in MOD-025 Attachment 1.