Introducing the NAES Spotlight Service

by John Schmoker, NERC Compliance Testing Program Manager

As many of you know, NAES NERC Services has been actively engaged in the Reliability Industry since NERC’s inception. Our growing team of nearly 30 reliability professionals keeping a vigilant watch over industry trends and best practices to ensure we provide the best possible compliance outcomes for our clients. While we offer a full range of hands-on compliance services, we understand some clients may benefit from our team’s collective expertise in a more consumable format. NAES is now proud to offer our new Spotlight subscription service.

For many industry professionals, the constant din of NERC announcements, new and revised standards, implementation guidance, webinars, reports, and enforcement dates can be overwhelming. Many NERC specialists are also tasked with additional duties such as environmental and safety compliance making it even more difficult to keep up with industry trends and best practices. Additionally, industry executives rarely have time to focus on the details of upcoming changes to NERC requirements and therefore are not able to assess possible impacts to their organizations and plan effectively.

Spotlight aims to address those concerns by keeping power industry professionals apprised of the latest developments from NERC and FERC in an easily digestible format. Spotlight articles are published twice a week and are organized into three distinct sections to best suite a wide spectrum of industry roles and responsibilities. Articles begin with a high-level summary of the topic designed to inform upper-level management and provide a starting point for additional conversation within the organization. The high-level summary is followed by a deeper look at the possible impacts to applicable entities and suggested actions. This section is designed for line-level management responsible for planning and oversight of compliance programs. The final section is designed for subject matter experts diving into the technical details and developing strategies to establish and prove compliance.

For those interested in the new Spotlight service, please click on the link for an example article and/or contact John Schmoker ( for more details.